Friday, August 29, 2008

Moving along

Hey all,

Life is going pretty well. Although I admit life does sort of settle into a rhythm, I am, for one, glad to be past college. I enjoy the freedoms and people I meet everyday here, with the chance to hear stories and go places that college just can't afford -- and I mean that financially, too.

Our newest housemate, Sarah McCann, is still looking for a job, but she's only recently come to Virginia. I can recall how hectic the job market was; and heck, I will be back there some day. For now, I'm fairly content being a newspaper reporter/editor for an alt. weekly.

I will admit alongside Dan, I do fear death. Hell, news of that beheading in Canada put me in a real rut. And the scores who continue to die needlessly around the world, coupled with the thousands who die naturally. Boy, life does seem fairly finite, doesn't it?

But I don't really mind. We can't be held back by our pasts and the inevitable future. And I'm pretty sure the future holds some really good things.

Like Bill Maher's movie "Religulous" -- GO SEE IT. And Real Time -- his show on HBO -- returns tonight. Woo-hoo!

All things said, I miss the company of all of you, especially my New York compatriots. I must make that leap and buy the ticket to the city.

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