Wednesday, July 9, 2008


you know that TIPS training acronym that's all "hey kids, just remember to HALT: don't drink if you're Hungry, Angry, Lonely, or Tired"

well up yours tips, I'm stickin' it to the man now.

I just spend an hour in the waiting room of a dank brooklyn oral surgeon to find out (within 5 minutes) that it will take 2 k and a lot of tears to pull out my wisdom teeth. But he threw in an english-majors-have-no-futures joke for free.

Work is shit. I have no life.

but i do have wine.

In other news, I booked my flight to Prague for February 2009. I'm staying with Philip Clark, William and Mary 08.


aabeaton said...

darling you misspelled "wining" on your tags.

Charlotte said...

ACTUALLY that's DEP's tag that I reused. Sucka.

aabeaton said...

drunk charlotte doesn't get my jokes.

Charlotte said...

drunk charlotte is drunk. I understand, you made a punny.