Thursday, June 26, 2008

Yeah, about what Charlotte said

The problem is she wiggles her butt when I scratch her head, which makes her not unlike my beloved Kitty, who, along with Isabel, I miss very much.  But then again, not that much since apparently I have Charlotte to sit next to me while I watch mind-numbing television.

I'm halfway finished with the intro to performance studies "boot camp," which is actually not the boot camp I was expecting.  Oh, and

Dear Professors from W&M,

Thank you.  A thousand times, thank you.

Luv, Beaton.

Although I did have to read J.L. Austin's How to Do Things with Words.  All of it.  But I'm getting at least 6 hours of sleep at night which is a huge victory.  The 48 (!!!) people in my program are all really cool and I love the faculty and the general vibe of the department.  There's even a small disco ball in the studio classroom.  Named Leroy.

I snagged an editorial assistant job with The Drama Review, which is the journal put out by the department through MIT press.  So that's pretty sweet, since this whole academic publishing thing is kinda why I'm here in the first place.

But now I must continue rubbing Charlotte's head and convince her she doesn't have meningitis.

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