Friday, February 27, 2009

2/26/09 - Official Best Day Ever

Despite Green Bubble burning down to the ground on 2/25 (alex, I'm sure, with eulogize), Thursday was a totally awesome day and I'd like to tell you about it. The blog is dying anyway so I might as well use it for self-congratulations.

Chronological Bragging:
6:30-7:10 Awesomely great run
7:10-8:15 Breakfast etc. with Lee - including walking to 5th and 34th holding hands etc. This is part of my yuppie dream and very fulfilling.
8:45-10:30 - FINISH INFINITI - this partnership deal has killed me at work and now it is done. I feel so satisfied.
the day slips by...much chocolate consumed
2:30-3:30 Business update. (snooze) Cookies (yum). I WIN AN AWARD!! I get the Recognition Award for "Will to Win" see also: going above and beyond. They read this lovely nomination and I awkwardly listen trying not to beam like an idiot (a lot of hand-wringing is involved)
4:00 My boss returns from her spot on CNN and suggest I may be able to be on camera next time online does some television pr SQUEEE
5:30 Leave for tutoring, the best, most pleasant, most focused tutoring session since october. The kids suggest I become a teacher and/or guidance counselor. I try not to choke. Also, I brought salad from work so I wouldn't gorge myself on pizza - excellent plan.
8:45-10 Stop in with parents, get free food, pick up mail.
10:30-11:15 America's Next Dance Crew with alex, bed.

6:45 am Last session with personal trainer. sore.

So that's my awesome day. One more thing that didn't have an appropriate time frame: the woman on my team who I would say is most like my peer as far as responsibility level is leaving in may. She is a great coworker and a lot of fun but by leaving she opens up some funds in the budget and allows me to do more writing. Pretty much awesome.

Today I move a whopping two cubicles over. Should be awesome. Dinner with Joe Pirro tonight at lever house. Tomorrow lunch with parents, volunteering, and sunday facial, brunch at pastis, and an evening in brooklyn.

I'm concerned the other shoe is going to drop BUT I will say that my ears have been stuffed/bleeding lately so it's not like my life is totally perfect. Yay ears!

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