Wednesday, October 15, 2008


copied from a gmail convo i just had explaining what just occurred in my office:

we had a "graduation" for people who just finished a training course so
they had like 15 caregivers
who were graduating
and they have a big ceremony
in a conference room
with balloons
and im gonna get sweet leftovers
after the president and vp gave little congrats speeches
one of the graduates
did a "spirit dance"
in which she put on some weird yoga music shit
and did really awkward pirhouettes in a space that was way too small
and she was wearing like white flowing pants
and it went on for like 5 minutes
and THEN
another graduate
got up and sang one love by bob marley
she forgot the recording
so she was singing a capella style
and she was completely tone deaf
and she only sang like one verse because she forgot the words
hear the children crying, hear the children crying
one lo-ooove
it was seriously the funniest thing ive ever seen that i havent been allowed to laugh at

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