Most music journalism, it turns out, is really incredibly lousy. I've wanted to start a music blog for a while now -- a music blog where people could write about songs and shit without resorting to name-dropping and definition by comparison. (I don't think, for the record, that I'm God's gift to music criticism, but this would be a good way to pass the time.) My initial idea was "Synth Plinth," an altar at which to worship the pantheon of synth-pop and disco. But this felt too constricting. Plus, people with way more impressive music libraries have been there and done that.
So how's about this, instead. You go out. You're at the club. You're at the diner. You're at Duane Reade. You're at the neighborhood barbeque. You're at Shoe Mania. And a jam comes on. This is the jam you must blog about. Not only is the song reviewed, but the cultural context of the song, and its impact on your environs. Thus, every entry includes:
- Song (.mp3, or YouTube link)
- Review of song
- Google map and/or photo of location whereat song was heard
- Reflections on song's cultural import/playback method/human impact/spatial redefinition/jarring juxtaposition/associative beauty/etc., etc., etc.
If you're into music and, more importantly, writing on music, does this sound like something you'd read (or write, for that matter)? And what the heck would you name it?
this seems kinda like gawker stalker for songs not celebrities. although i kindof stopped reading halfway through because my brain/eyes/other body parts hurt.
name it gawker song stalker.
caps loooooooock
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