Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Bachelor's Christmas

There is no season like Christmas—or, as I saw it printed in one blog entry—CHRISTmas. No, indeed. A season for whatever one makes of it, whether it is the traditional pastiche of commercialism and Christianity or a general time for being with others (or a combination of these two options).

For me, it's a time for holiday parties. It's one thing I have been anticipating since the end of college: holiday parties with workmates, holiday parties with friends, holiday parties with strangers—holiday parties in general. In actuality, I enjoy the festive cheer, too. With the music and the pageantry, and the awfully good story that comes with the package, this is the one time during the year that I wish I were a practicing Roman Catholic. I mean, honestly, what a beautiful season. Being a Catholic at this time of the liturgical year is like living in the 5th century A.D. Pretty sweet.

As a bachelor, I find holiday parties are always good to meet people, too. Although I do not particularly enjoy the D.C. political crowd, and still consider myself a "New Yorker-in-exile," (so much for moving places for love) the holiday party can be a universally redeeming event for any locale. Everyone is eager to mingle during the Christmas season, and that should afford some new faces in the process.

Culminating in what one hopes is an epic New Year's Eve in NYC (Cait, I swear, I'm mailing it tomorrow! Pleaaase forgive me!), the coming weeks will be fairly busy:

(1) Next weekend, my friend Kathleen Brasington is starring in a production of A Christmas Carol in Annapolis, and she and Julia Elkin are hosting me and several dear friends for the weekend. I am excited, to say the least.

(2) The following week is chockerblock full of holiday parties in the area. D.C. area Yule Log with fellow, awkward W&M kids, some D.C. holiday parties with good friends from W&M and then my workplace is hosting a party on Dec. 15 (All friends in the area are invited to any of these!)

(3) More D.C. area parties follow that week, along with what we hope is a great holiday party here at the house around Dec. 20. It should prove entertaining!

(4) PLEASE READ: All friends are entitled to at least one (1) Christmas Greeting Card. On it, it will feature me (sadly), Sarah McCann, Cassandra Powers and Ryan Powers. If you would like one, please give me your mailing address. It will be shipped posthaste (as soon as we make the card).

That's all for now. Oh—see Australia! Delightful film. Reminds me of what it must have been like for my dad to grow up in an inhospitable desert with no signs of civilization, and then to hear from Americans today, "Oh, I'd love to visit the Outback!" My dad cannot understand those people.


Discussion Question: Mumbai: Should it still be called "Bombay"?
Discussion Question #2: Do you have an advent wreath? If not, why?

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