Photo courtesy of Art Exchange Africa's website. You can purchase figurines like this for several thousand U.S. dollars.
Is everyone else on this blog deceased? This is like the hiatus between sitcom seasons.
Will Cait find gainful employment?
Can Sam merge into the professional world and remain looking absolutely, stunningly cool?
Is Dave still enjoying his "Dalby" time? Or is it now "Deleterious Dalby?"
Where's Andy? Where is Andy?
Has Alex resuscitated Charlotte from the bottle and despair? Is Charlotte on top of the world?
What's the state of Lucia's mind, body and soul? Is she maintaining her fiercely independent Latin flavor amid work, absent housemates and cheap Mexican food?
Likewise, is Da-iel P---------g going to honor dust jackets across this merry nation with his Dutchonymous name?
Will Josh only greet his fellow bloggers and then perish among the many short-lived blogging attempts in this vast undiscovered e-country?
I'll finish with a politician's universal call to action: "People of Berlin ... this is our moment!"
P.S. I was on for some random task, I think the subject was innocent enough--anyhow, I came across a video (flagged for age verification) of a live human birth. Talking Point: When will births become obsolete, much like Gary Shandling predicted back in the 20th century?
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