Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Srsly Hai

Hey all, sorry that first post disappeared, I got in trouble IMMEDIATELY for mentioning my employer (who will now remain nameless) even though I've really come to be quite satisfied with my job. Dave can attest to the sudden nausea and self doubt that followed. But they're giving me more responsibility and it actually feels like I'm accomplishing things and improving the account.

My summer is mostly about earning money to support essentials in new york - essentials being a roof, some food (or coffee, whatever), and manicures. For reals I can't go bare-nailed it's too painful.

Alex is apartment searching now and I just make the executive decision at the end - there's something really heteronormative about our relationship...except it would require me being a man.

Cait and I are going to sign up a Brooklyn Kickball team sometime when we can figure out how. The name is the only thing we've decided on: get excited for The One Trick Boners

Nothing much is happening beyond that. Alex and I will be having a housewarming party once we have a house. I'm also organizing a Long Island Wine Tasting party for my 22nd birthday, yuppie fun to be had by all.

Do you hate me? I think I hate myself. My entire life is driven by the desire to make money and be comfortable. I don't have a boyfriend around, I work all day and then think about work all night (seriously like in the shower), my friends are in totally different situations. It's a little isolating.

I will, however, be fulfilling some yuppie pleasure by seeing Sex and the City on friday evening. This of course only topped by a potential trip to Princeton to drink with waspy friends. I'm all atwitter. How on earth was I ever part of the smelly party scene on campus?


DEP said...

Ever find yourself going through Flat Hat withdrawal? I kind of miss having 750 words a week and being essentially forced to blog and having a built-in readership of at least a few people.

Charlotte said...

Not at all. I guess my life is neither quirky nor interesting so reflecting and self-indugent words don't flow as freely as they once did.